[C++] MFC: How to Read and Write Text Files in Unicode through CStdioFile
// For Writing ----------------------------------

// Open the file with the specified encoding
FILE *fStream;
errno_t e = _tfopen_s(&fStream, _T("\test.txt"), _T("wt,ccs=UNICODE")); // or ccs=UTF-8
if (e != 0) return; // failed..
CStdioFile f(fStream);  // open the file from this stream


// For Reading -----------------------------------

// Open the file with the specified encoding
FILE *fStream;
errno_t e = _tfopen_s(&fStream, _T("\test.txt"), _T("rt,ccs=UNICODE")); // or ccs=UTF-8
if (e != 0) return; // failed..CString sRead;
CStdioFile f(fStream);  // open the file from this stream
CString sRead;
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