[C++] Win32: How to Find Window Handle by Process ID and Window Class Name
HWND FindWindowByProcessIdAndClassName(DWORD pid, TCHAR* szWndClassName)
	HWND hCurWnd = GetTopWindow(0);
	while (hCurWnd != NULL)
		DWORD cur_pid;
		DWORD dwTheardId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hCurWnd, &cur_pid);
		if (cur_pid == pid)
			if (IsWindowVisible(hCurWnd) != 0)
				TCHAR szClassName[256];
				GetClassName(hCurWnd, szClassName, 256);
				if (_tcscmp(szClassName,szWndClassName)==0)
					return hCurWnd;
		hCurWnd = GetNextWindow(hCurWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT);
	return NULL;
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