[C++] Convert string To Lower or To Upper String
void ToLower(WCHAR* pStr, int nLength)
	if (pStr)
		for (int n = 0; n < nLength; n++)
			if (iswupper(pStr[n]))
				pStr[n] = towlower(pStr[n]);

void ToUpper(WCHAR* pStr, int nLength)
	if (pStr)
		for (int n = 0; n < nLength; n++)
			if (iswlower(pStr[n]))
				pStr[n] = towupper(pStr[n]);


void ToLower(char* pStr, int nLength)
	if (pStr)
		for (int n = 0; n < nLength; n++)
			if (isupper(pStr[n]))
				pStr[n] = tolower(pStr[n]);

void ToUpper(char* pStr, int nLength)
	if (pStr)
		for (int n = 0; n < nLength; n++)
			if (islower(pStr[n]))
				pStr[n] = toupper(pStr[n]);

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